A lot of friends ask how I find the time to
write. To me it is the same as reading and I love that. Instead of reading, I
write. It's as simple as that.
This is the part when you can tell if you are
writing for fun. For my first novel, Legacy of the Eldric, I was in no hurry. I
wrote myself into corners where I had no concept of where the plot was going.
In some respects it was frustrating. It was a little like those Saturday
morning matinees - where Flash Gordon is left in a cliff hanger situation and
you had to wait a whole week to find out what happened next. Often the wait was
a disappointment when the story line recommenced at a point that you didn't
quite tie up from the previous week's episode. As a child you felt the
disappointment keenly but by the next cliff hanger it was long forgotten.
I was determined not to allow that to happen in
my novels. If the tale took me to a cliff hanger I was not going to simply
rewrite the tale a few pages back. I mused for hours on buses and trains,
trying to think of the solution. I enjoyed that and when the Eureka
moment came, it was like turning the page of a book. It was almost as if
someone else had written the story and whispered it in my ear. That was
incredibly fun and rewarding as I rushed home to continue the tale.
One concept in my tale is that of a shaol. I am a
fantasy writer, although I would like to write a historical fiction. A shaol is
a guardian spirit which explains why folk have feelings of déjà vu. It adds an
element of unknown to my tales, which I really enjoy. I think we have lost the
sense of wonderment we had as children and to me that is what fantasy is about.
Lord of the Rings and especially the Hobbit captured that perfectly. So, in a
sense, someone whispering in my ear may have been true. I particularly enjoyed
writing a short tale about one of my characters, Vastra, handing me the novel,
The Prophecy of the Kings, on a cold winter's evening. Vastra's Tale
- I enjoyed writing this short piece which seemed to link really well to the
shaols in my novels.
I have always had active hobbies, taking me
outdoors. I was keen on mountaineering when I lived in Scotland
and I joined a Saxon/Viking re-enactment group, Regia Anglorum, later in life.
But writing has slowly overtaken these hobbies. The reference to Flash Gordon
may have given away my age which might have something to do with this. I have
always been a bit of a daydreamer so disappearing into the world of my novels
is rewarding in itself.
Mood music helps me to write and set the scene.
Something soft in the background is good. For fantasy it needs to be something
I can associate with the subject. Enya and Mike Oldfield are firm favourites
for that.
Finally, where I write is important. I find
writing on trains gives me that creative edge. Perhaps it is going on a journey
that helps. Seeing fields go by and perhaps linking my characters to the view
seems to add to my creativity.
Writing my novels was fun. My new novel Drachar's
Demons was written much faster than Prophecy of the Kings, perhaps because it
was a prequel and much of the background had already been formulated.
Anyway, I hope you too enjoy writing. Good luck with it and all the best
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